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Daily Horoscopes

All The Zodiac Signs

Brought to you by Astrology Online
Updated Daily since 1996!

Horoscopes for Saturday 09/21/2024

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Aries Information
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Try to have patience and refrain from being judgmental. Don't lend or borrow money or belongings.

Created by your Astrologer Michael Thiessen!

Taurus Information
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
Things may not be as harmonious as you would like with colleagues or employers today. You will have the ability to capture the interest of others. Try not to attempt to do something unless you are fully intent on following through with the plans.

Gemini Information
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
You may find it difficult to communicate with someone at work. You should get into some of those creative hobbies that you always said you wanted to do. A residential move may be necessary to get a better job.

Cancer Information
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Try not to be overbearing where family is concerned. Plans to make physical improvements may lead to psychological changes, too. Social evenings at your place will be highly successful.

Leo Information
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Money problems will be difficult to deal with if you have a partner. You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than rant and rave. You will accomplish the most in the work environment today.

Virgo Information
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
You may get some opposition. Personal changes will be to your benefit. Don't let your personal problems interfere with your professional responsibilities. Catch up on your reading and correspondence.

Libra Information
Libra - September 23 - October 22
Protect your interests legally if necessary. Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur. You should not be concerned with coworkers who insist on spreading rumors.

scorpio Information
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
Make your intentions perfectly clear and find out exactly what is expected of you. Your outgoing charm and obvious talent will be admired. You can gain approval, get kudos, and ask for help if you put a little heart into your speech or request.

Sagittarius Information
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
You can gain approval, get kudos, and ask for help if you put a little heart into your speech or request. Don't let relatives get the better of you. Mishaps due to preoccupation will be upsetting.

Capricorn Information
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
You may find yourself in the limelight for the wrong reasons. You can make new friends by taking part in social events involving colleagues. Don't turn down offers that include sports activities or children.

Aquarius Information
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Don't believe everything you hear. You can receive recognition for the work you've done. Children could cost you more than you can afford.

Pisces Information
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Opportunities for romance are present. You will be emotional about family matters. You should sit down with someone you trust and work out a budget that will enable you to save a little extra.

Your Daily Horoscopes On One Page For speed and convenience, here are all the daily horoscopes on one page. I update them at 4pm CST daily, so check back every day. You may have to refresh your browser if the date is wrong. Also, since these are posted daily, sometimes we might be a little late, or a little early, depending on when I finish them. Don't worry, I have been doing this on the web since 1996, so you can count on us.

Thank You! It has been my pleasure to write your daily horosocopes! I know there are literally thousands of you out there looking at these horoscopes daily. As you obviously know, this site requires NO subscription, NO login, and asks for NO personal information. There are no fees for using this site, and if you have your own blog or website, or even social media accounts, you are free to link, post, upload, share, whatever you want with these horoscopes. In fact, as long as Astrology Online gets credit for it, I greatly encourage it! So please share us as much as you can!

Michael Thiessen Your Astrologer

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