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Daily Horoscope For Pisces

Born Between (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)

Updates at 4pm CST Daily

This Horoscope is for Saturday 07/27/2024

Created by your Astrologer Michael Thiessen!

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Pisces Daily Horoscope

Concentrate on home improvement. Small details will make a difference. You'll find it easy to talk about your feeling today. Don't hesitate to find out what your mate's intentions are. Good friends will give you honest answers.

Michael Thiessen Your Astrologer

About Your Zodiac Sign Pisces
  • Imaginative and sensitive
  • Compassionate and kind
  • Selfless and unworldly
  • Intuitive and sympathetic

Intuition is the name of the game with Pisces, they really have it going on when it comes to getting a feel for what's about to happen. You will find that many astrologers and fortune-tellers are indeed Pisces. They are very generous people sometimes to a fault, and will give the shirt off their back if necessary if they feel someone is in real need.

Because of their compassion and kindness, you will find them working with animals quite often. Pisces people make great veterinarians and they also make great doctors and nurses! They care about animals and people alike, but actually seem to love their pets somewhat more than their friends (sometimes).

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